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Aki Leung

#kindness #curiosity #silliness

Aki dreams of a life that defines by verb, not noun.

Where she learns:

  • Listen to podcasts, read books, watch youtube videos, and google

  • Ask questions and observe

  • Meet new friends, visit new places, and experience new experience

Where she shares:

  • Send group message about daily trivia with close friends

  • Host workshops/classes

  • Mentor students and support friends

Topics I am currently interested about:

1. Personal growth (documenting and sharing work)

2. Essentialism (less and better)

3. Making of (cooking, cleaning and building)

How she makes a living now:

  • Curates learning experience (design thinking, entrepreneurship & communication)

  • Shares her experience with fellow educators/experience curators

  • Translates occasionally

If you want to send a message, you can reach Aki at helloakileung(at) :)

<--photo taken at Pont d'Arcole, Paris circa 2019

© 2021 by aki leung

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